Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Let it snow!

So, this past week has been filled with film. Starting a week ago today when I saw Gangster Squad, then on Friday I went to the DVD exchange stall at Oswestry's indoor market and bought Public Enemies and Alien vs Predator. I also got Cowboys and Aliens from B&M bargains. Cowboys and Aliens is a brilliant hybrid of Western and Sci-fi where Daniel Craig teams up with Harrison Ford (not a bad pairing) to defeat aliens!

Public Enemies was hard to understand at the beginning but once I got it, it really took me! Aliens vs Predator was rather boring at the start and slow to kick off but is good when it does!
Because I'm very much looking forward to seeing the new Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained, I decided to watch some of his films and on Sunday saw Pulp Fiction for the first time. Start to finish I was hooked. It was such an unusually styled film and yet this worked really well! Add a mad story to an A list of stars and it's a method for success.
On Sunday I also made a fantastic discovery when my Dad told me about the Attfield Theatre in town. This is situated by the indoor market and has started showing some recent box office films - on Saturday they showed Skyfall! I am really glad of the discovery and will definitely be utilizing this great tool soon.
Finally, today I went to the DVD exchange market stall again as temptation got the better of me and returned with Tarantino's debut film Reservoir Dogs, RocknRolla and a waste of space Inglorious Bastards which I foolishly mistook for Tarantino's Basterds. Annoying!

Also in this past week the overdue snow has hit, and it packed quite a punch! Because of the snowfall, I've had Friday and Monday off school and there are signs (and hopes) of more downpour!
Of course, the snow wasn't entirely beneficial as Bangor's game was called off! United did play and succumbed to a last minute equaliser against Tottenham to drop 2 points but are still 5 clear!

I have recently finished reading Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and would definitely recommend it. A total masterpiece and worthy of all it's praise. Yesterday I started re reading Brian McGilloway's first Inspector Devlin novel: Borderlands. This is a great book and beginning of a series that I wanted to refresh my memory of.

This weekend my social levels have hit a recent high as Friday night I participated in a shed party with a group of friends I hadn't seen for months and on Saturday I went sledging and saw one or two more that I hadn't done for a while!

Thanks for reading!

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